Monday, April 6, 2009

Chicago Cubs, 2009 World Series Champs*

It's that time again, opening day for Cubs. Or as we Cubs fans like to call it, the first day of OUR year. The fact that we have called it this for the last 100 years and been wrong every year, does not deter us.

I was going to insert a self-flagulation photo here as this best represents the Cub's fan mentality but it was too bloody. So, I opted for a picture of Venezuelan stud and the player upon whom much of the Cub's fate will depend, Carlos Zambrano.

So, cheers Cub's fan. Here's to OUR year!

*PLEASSEEEE win this year!!!!! Puleaazeeee!!! PLEAAASE! I am so sick of hearing on sports channels how the Cubs haven't won since bla bla bla bla bla bla that I think I will enjoy the end of hearing that more than the actual victory.


tut-tut said...

Go Cubbies! Where is your Music Monday post, or did you do the fantastic one over on Knit?

DineometerDeb said...

Ok, I rectified that situation. Do you like the song?

knitwithcats said...

she did mine. i actually haven't listened to it yet simply b/c i know that annoys her! and the CUBS SUCK!! HA!!!

DineometerDeb said...

Dont listen to it. It will only make you feel inadequate because you have 5 pets, none of which play a musical instrument I might ad.

And I am currently plotting revenge for that last comment.

Megan said...

Can't go with you on this one, but I too would love to come to the end of the 'blah blah blah' that we hear every year! :)