Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's Time! (way, way, off topic)

Well it's almost the middle of April so it's time for all good procrastinators to....

make their New Years resolutions. You thought I was gonna say "Do their taxes" but there's still a few days left for that and no self respecting procrastinator would be caught dead even thinking about taxes until after August.

This year, I am going to resolve to stop swearing at the lady in the GPS (Global Positioning System). My friend calls her Betty. So, Betty, I apologize for all the horrible, horrible names that I have called you, even though, I feel that you have your own issues. For one, you need to realize that I am HUMAN. Humans make mistakes. I am not a bad person because I sometimes go the wrong way. There is no need to beep at me. Maybe you could just gently suggest that I turn around or something, adding a reassuring "That's OK sweetheart." And secondly, what was with that "Make a U turn", and then, after I made a U turn, you say again "Make a U turn." Did you think that was funny? I'll show you funny you st-- No. Wait. Breathe.... Remember your resolution. Oh and one last thing. If you could stop telling me to turn places that I am not legally allowed to turn, that would be great. Otherwise, I will sell your little metallic ass out when we go to court. "It was all Betty's fault your honor!" Just kidding! Betty, really, you are great. Now if you could just direct me to the nearest bar, all will be forgiven.


SheR. said...

Time for medication mate?

DineometerDeb said...

Haha! Yes, a nice gin and tonic.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ours is called Gladys and she is always telling us to make a U turn or something similar. She never beeps at us though :O)