According to his very own blog, Andrew Zimmern has been hired by Target (usually people work at Target before they make it big on television. Just sayin.) and will be bringing his unique culinary stylings to the aisles of the red bullseye store in the near future. Andrew Zimmern is the host of Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel and has made his living by eating things that most people either throw away, hit with their shoe, or pay to have exterminated. From his blog:
Well the cat is out of the bag now! For the last few months I have been
working on starting a new relationship with the folks at Target. As their new Meal Adventure Guide, I am tasked with helping their millions of customers explore the world of flavor at their local SuperTarget, you will see great ideas and recipes from me popping up in the stores in a few months, all of them inspired by a lifetime spent combing the globe for authentic and honest food.
Let's just hope the cat isn't out of the bag because he plans to eat it.
Now that Andrew Zimmern is working with SuperTarget, which of these would you most like to see in the store:
- Tarantula Pockets
- Bush's Baked Beans and Beaks
- Totino's Pepperoni and Chicken Uterus Pizza, Microwavable
- Pepe's Gluten Free Termite Quesadillas, Family Size
- Stop it Deb! You're grossing me out!!!
- Rice at a reasonable price
- Brad Pitt
- Target is still open? Who is Andrew Zimmern? Today is Friday???
For me, it's a toss up between 6 and 7.
SuperTarget execs click here: